Tag: weight watchers

Dinner, Low Carb Dishes, Uncategorized

Layered Enchilada Casserole

In this blog post, we will be making a FABULOUS savory ground turkey enchilada recipe from a vintage Weight Watchers recipe book from 2003.  This was inspired by the recipe called Turkey Enchilada casserole out of the “Take out Tonight” Weight Watchers recipe book from 2003.   Weight Watchers is a well-known program for healthy eating […]

Meat cooking in the crockpot
Dinner, Low Carb Dishes

Slow Cooker Roast

If you love the idea of a tender roast bursting with flavor but everytime you make it, it comes out dry, flavorless and inedible you are going to love this very easy slow cooker WW recipe (Weight Watchers).  Coming in at 1-2 point per ounce (depending on the cut of meat) this one is perfect […]

CLose up of the salad in a bowl

Big Green Salad

DID YOU KNOW AVOCADOS HAVE MORE POTASSIUM THAN A BANANA? Yeah, its true!  Potassium is a nutrient that most people don’t get enough of and it can cause some uncomfortable physical symptoms like leg cramps, charlie horses and some other bothersome issues.    The little green alligator skinned gem is a super food we should […]

Dump cake out of the microwave

Blueberry Dump cake in a Mason Jar

What is a Dump Cake? Lets start here! A dump cake is similar to a cobbler, made by “dumping” fruit or other fillings into a pan, or in this case a single serving mason jar or mug, and then dumping cake mix on top.  Now in our case, we dumped the filling on top of […]

Cupcake in a jar

Cupcake in a Mason Jar

You’ve heard the famous WW 123 mug cake right?  Thats pretty good I admit but I have to say .. this little cupcake in a Mason Jar is even better!  Let me tell you why!  Well, for one thing we are using a Sugar Free cake mix that is very easy on the stomach.  Lots […]

pistachio dessert in a jar with spoon showing thickness

Pistachio Cannoli Creme in a Jar

3 Awesome flavors you will love!  *Pistachio *Mocha Creme *Almond Creme Lets start with answering … what is a Cannoli? Cannoli are Italian pastries that originated on the island of Sicily, where my grandparents were born!   Cannoli are tube-shaped shells, usually fried, made from a pastry dough filled with a sweet, creamy filling usually […]

2 chaffles on a plate

Cream Cheese Chaffle

Why a Cream Cheese Chaffle? Glad you asked!  Many people, especially those on a low carb or WW lifestyle journey, look for foods that are low in sugar but high in flavor.  They need to be easy to make but also delicious.  Truly delicious.  With a Chaffles,my taste buds are looking for the real deal!  […]